Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It is said that great thinkers, those who mold and shape our society, are formed by trials, failures, pain and challenges. But in our case in education, I believe great thinkers are made out of great love, support and encouragement from family, stimulating immediate environment and a lot of influence from teachers. As fresh graduates become professional teachers, they are faced with uncertainty and fear of their student's success. and yet, they give their best to love, to cherish, to help and to guide the students. Pressures from the family and the environment and society go directly to the student and the teacher. Pressures that can cause so much trauma and fear in both parties. Pressures that make students want to give up....But, bottomline, why do we need to make things difficult? Why do we have to complicate things?? Life is about learning. We have all our lives dedicated to learning new things. Why rush learning the multiplication table during the first 7 years of life? Why pressure the students to learn so much when they can do it for the next 30 years? Education is for life. Education is gradual.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Why learn to walk when you are young? Why not let the world pass you by? Why put in effort now so you will be even more advanced later? Why not just be a burden to the world instead of a beacon?
I see your point, but I think those questions address the point. No?
Keep thinking!
