Friday, December 26, 2008

happy holidays everyone!!!

happy holidays everyone! another year has passed, lets start the new year with the dedication to make a change for the society. without idealism, there is pessimism. in pessimism, there is no hope, ...but death. thus, rise up and lets make a change. find the Gandhi in you!!!

Our Next Steps...

Our next steps to achieve our goal of providing the BEST EDUCATION in the world are the following:

1. Start teaching values : Diligence, Prudence, Faithfulness, Hope, Love.

2. Do MORE hands-on activities.

3. Start teaching more on history (for Pre-school) ...PATROTISM.

4. Curriculum, curriculum.

5. Have fun! (Boy, stress can really cause depression to children)

6. Do MORE field trips.

7. Have a collaborative partnership with parents, city officials and DepEd.

8. Continue to enrich the school environment with love, support, care and hope...

Our Participation In The City Fiesta Parade...

What is the key to development? Some say its economic boom, some say its money, some say its culture, some say its education, some say its TAX, some say its infrastructure... but I say its PATROTISM. Its our love for our country, our society, our city, our race and our culture that will eventually lead us to invest in our hometowns, be productive, maximize our potentials, help people maximize their potentials, acquire greater profit, produce better services, improve education, and eventually achieve development. It has to start from within... PATROTISM.

young, vibrant, passionate professionals dedicated to the development of our society

here's the team of Kinder Creche Inc. im so proud of each one of them.

news coverage from media guys...

the seminar indeed was for the city, for the city government, for city officials, for the citizens, for the teachers in the city, for the children in the city, for the future of the city. the first day we planned the seminar, i have felt the need to improve the way children are taught and handled in the city. no more over-priced child care practices, no more neglected children, no more inequality, no more under looked children - this is my dream. a good teacher once told me that it is the parents role to prepare and mold children to survive the real world. but since the world is changing, life is beginning to be complicated, parents have to work double time to support and even prepare for the future. thus, child rearing practices are now handled over to the schools (in partnership with the parents). thus, it is our role to equip children with all the survival and self-help skills (intellectually, psychologically, emotionally and physically), to be able to face the real world, meet its demands, survive, excell and eventually succeed.


a very special token for Prof. Mamaat, MA-SPED. He's the best!!! You rock, Prof!!! Great Job!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

at the seminar

participants busy taking down notes, listening to the rich and meaningful message of special education and behavior modification technique. they even described the seminar as the "BEST SEMINAR THEY HAVE EVER ATTENDED" . ill take their word for that.

all in the name of love and service

a seminar of handling children with special needs

child rearing in the 21st century

it has long been unfashionable to say so out loud in our society, but the truth is that having and raising children is the first duty of parents. period.
although peers, schools and employees may assume some of these responsibilities after the child is old enough to leave the house, it is Mommy and Daddy who are supposed to start the ball rolling. Some courts even hold parents legally responsible for their offspring, such as enterprising judges who haul parents into court when their kids are truant. In one case the parents of a teenager living at home were successfully sued for damages when their son had a car accident.
why are we suddenly punishing the lax parent instead of the incorrigible child? Part of it may be modern society's mania for placing the blame on somebody, anybody. But at heart, it's also the belief that mommies and daddies ought to teach the progeny to be decent, functioning, respected members of society.
That responsibility cuts across social lines. Certainly the demoralizing effects of welfare, gangs and commercialism make the task tougher for say single, inner city parents. But wealth and priveledge do not automatically confer parenting skills.
The fact remains that if a child does not learn the accepted way of getting what he wants by the time he becomes an adult, he will likely become a burden, not only to himself but ultimately to us all. Children must be taught how to survive in mainstream society, for it is there that they will spend the rest of their lives.
It starts at birth. Kids are not just miniature adults but separate entities that demand special attention-even before they are born. Accordingly, the rituals surrounding the birth of a baby are among the most enduring areas of etiquette.