Friday, December 26, 2008

news coverage from media guys...

the seminar indeed was for the city, for the city government, for city officials, for the citizens, for the teachers in the city, for the children in the city, for the future of the city. the first day we planned the seminar, i have felt the need to improve the way children are taught and handled in the city. no more over-priced child care practices, no more neglected children, no more inequality, no more under looked children - this is my dream. a good teacher once told me that it is the parents role to prepare and mold children to survive the real world. but since the world is changing, life is beginning to be complicated, parents have to work double time to support and even prepare for the future. thus, child rearing practices are now handled over to the schools (in partnership with the parents). thus, it is our role to equip children with all the survival and self-help skills (intellectually, psychologically, emotionally and physically), to be able to face the real world, meet its demands, survive, excell and eventually succeed.

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