Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We have to do something

Our society is indeed changing. From what it seems to be a peaceful city, now, we have crimes happening everyday. Just last night, while on his way home, our painter got stabbed in his neck by a bystander while walking across the bridge in the middle of a busy street. Scary!
But still the lives of the people of Dagupan continue like nothing has happened. And it's scary how often these circumstances and incident happen and people do not even bother to change and fix things. Theres just so much stuff to fix. Its just frustrating how we work hard in the education section to change the world, to change the system in our country, but others live like life is "normal". It is far beyond normal. It's chaotic.
I remember from Political Theory Class that too much Democracy is Chaos. I guess thats Plato. And I soooo agree now. You give people so much freedom that even laws, rules are viewed and treated as suggestions. But every human being wants structure, wants order. God in His master plan has order and has laws. Why not us? Right?
The change that we need right now is the culture of obedience, the culture of accepting order, the attitude of following rules. Laws are made to protect every Citizen and every Human Being's rights. But in our country, Laws are merely for those who cannot afford to screw around with it. It's just so frustrating. As a Filipino who wants "change", as an educator who have seen the "cancer" in our society and as a person living in our community, we really need to do something about it. we have to stop and really have a 180 degree turn. If we continue to be this way, to live this way, our country can never recover from the years of corruption and self propaganda. We have to do something.

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