Thursday, April 5, 2012


One of our goals at school is to prepare our children, our Mighty Oaks to be great citizens for Nation building. We want them to be responsible and to take accountability. Last night while chattting with one of the most prominent soldier in our country, he said, " Bilib talaga ako sa Oakridge. For the few hours I spent there, i saw what you are trying to achieve" and then we started discussing about goals. I kept inferring to him that as a school, we began with the end in mind. we want to have a pull of student who will be the best human resources our country will ever have. I want to produce leaders- political, professional, business, education and other sectors who will actually bring out country to the nest level - PROGRESS. He then started talking about how political will can be self-serving. And I do agree with that. Do you know that if you are a "straight", all for development leader in this country who doesnt care about what one sector in the community "feel", but focus on common good, change and improving the lives of the many, you will not win an election? You know how we, as a nation, vote for someone who will "best" serve our interest, than a leader who will bring about change for the common good. Where is Common Good in our country? How can we progress and development if we ourselves are stuck to doing what we want, whats best for us and not whats best for everyone.
As a nation, our goal is to move from a third world country where everyone does whatever they want, bend the laws and rules to their benefit and move to a developing, progressive, laws-regulated country where common good and justice are well served. I want my country, the Philippines to overcome poverty and increase opportunity for all. But we can never attain that if we, the citizens, the Filipinos do not aspire, do not desire to give up our immediate gratification - things that we WANT now for whats best for everyone. we can never attain that if we dont train our children, our students, our Mighty Oaks to take accountability for everything they do, everything they choose and everything they choose to do. We cannot move forward if we allow our children, ourselves too to be used to living a life that self serving, life thats just to do what you want to do rather than to do whats right for everyone.
Lets go back to what our President is requesting for all of us to do this Lenten Season- to be selfless for our country, for our motherland, for our nation. To start focusing on whats best for everyone and not on what we want.

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