Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We always say that its a cultural problem-deeply rooted, almost impossible to correct. But if we have that kind of mindset - so apathetic and passive, surely Philippines does not have any hope to progress. But if each tax payer stand up for a systematic, structured government , i know we can make a difference.
I recalled one historian talk about the 'cycle' of Philippine politics. Taxpayers pay taxes, politician get taxes, and during election, the same same the given to the poor to get majority votes. Taxes dont really benefit taxpayers. Its like the circle of life in the Philippines. Thus, the poor doesnt relly have the intrinsic motivation to progressed. Why? Politicians give them money in exchange of votes.
Do you know that Pork Barrel in the 1920s in the US was really used to gain political favors? The thing is US changed. They scraped it when they realized the misuse. The problem with. Our society today is we know theres a misuse, we know we need to scrap it. But i bet you dollars to donuts, pork barrel will still be there next year. Why? We live in a society where people are so apathetic, passive that people simply accept things the way they are.
To tell you the truth, I wont.

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