Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Time is the most precious investment we can ever give to our loved one, what we value most and our dreams for the future. If we love our children so much, we should learn to stop and give our time (actually set our time) to spend with them - to get to know them, to talk to them, to read them stories, to have relationship with them. If we want to have good marriage, we need to set time with our husband- to have dates, to chat, to cuddle. Indeed, time is so precious that it is one of the greatest investment we can ever give to the people who mean a lot to us.
Nevertheless, in this time and age where life has become complicated because of technology and a lot of worldly pleasures, spending time with our loved ones is one of the most difficult thing ever. Having to check social media everyday, reading updates and posts of people we barely know, we end up not having enough time to spend with our children. I really look forward to weekend - especially when we go to Manila. Because its during those time that Ipad, Laptop and even phones are kept- even left in Dagupan, and our 100% will be for the kids and with the kids. I just love that. It reminds me what matters most to me and Dek.
Indeed, parenting has become to difficult today because of technology and other wordly things. We all need God's grace and mercy to give us the prudence and strength to stop using our smartphones, our ipads, our laptop and go back to basics- the most valuable thing in life....building relationships.

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