Tuesday, July 10, 2012

everytime i research on what it takes to be a great school, i end up with the same answer again and again. dedication, commitment to your philosophy, proactive attitude, non mediocre, greatness, accountability, great work ethics, great study habits = GREATNESS of the nation. i really believe in the thinking that the cure to our country's economic and social problems is education. we start with culture change. from setting and allowing a "so-so" quality, half-baked persona and quality in the work to a high standard, best quality service and work ethics. it starts in teaching our children to desire whats best and whats right and not settle for whats comfortable for everyone. ive seen so many third world countries that has started to move forward because of their fear of great hunger and strife. a lot of third world countries has adopted a new strategy in strengthening their economic , political and social dimension to pave the way for industrialization and development. but wheres the Philippines now? where is our country? where is our Motherland? I know theres so much to do, but how come our Filipino brothers and sisters are resistant to change and progress?
im just frustrated. forgive me. i just need to whine. if not ill explode.

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