Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's been ten days since I gave birth. I just want to share my first photo of our newly completed family! It's been such a struggle at the same time joy to go through birthing, nursing and being a mom to a newborn again. I forgot how hard it was to breastfeed, worrying about the amount of milk you produce, strugggling with people's comment about how you are not producing enough milk. It's been  tempting, tiring and even depressing ten days.
But today, I just felt the Lord calling me to go to Church. One thing is that I really deserve to go out. I havent had a decent sleep for ten days- waking every hour to feed. I deserve to go out. And what better thing to do- than go to Church. The Lord reminded me today that He is everything I need. I just need to walk with Him, be filled with Him and just trust Him. 
During the message, I just felt my agony turning into joy and celebration, my fear turning into peace. I just praise God that He is indeed everything we need. It's such a beautiful Easter. 

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