Monday, July 22, 2013

It's monday! Another week to be driven, to focus n change and development, another week to defend progressive education amidst traditional education , another week of dealing with people who doesnt understand research based, learner centered learning.
Have i told you that i have the hardest job in the world? Beng the only school that actually does up to date pedagogy in teaching nd learning and bing a pioneer in progressive education in the region, i feel like a scarificial lamb being prep for burnt offering. Seriously! But comes with his task is he idealism and passion to conibute to the next generaion of Filipinos. After my great talk with steve last week, i canot help but reminisce the reasons why we started Oakridge and the force that keeps us going everyday.
I remembered coming home from Manila amd seeing ow 'old' dagupan was, how chaotic trafic was, how people just crosses the streets , how people litter everywhere, how bad social servces was. And i was determined that my share in community bulding was education. If i can raise the next generatin of Dagupenos educated and cultured with classical progressive educaion, training them to think and make decision, we are facing a city that will have order and progress that will actually make ur city outstanding.
I remembered reading Bennet's Educated Child and reading about the role of the school, community, families in naion building. And the role of community and families in education. It does comes hand in hand.
And so, in the midst of parent's request for old debunkd pedagogy in education, i am reminded of my reasons why the Lord has driven me to start Oakridge. This is my stewardsip. If i compromise, i will not be faithful to God's call.

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