Thursday, September 5, 2013


It can be one of the most important skill we can teach/ instill to our children. But it can also be the hardest. Children today have been raised being given everything they need and want. Their tolerance for hardwork and pain is tooooo low. Their ability to adapt to change is too poor. But teaching resilience is basically preparing these kids for future success in college and in life.
I believe it has also something to do with the way parents treat their kids nowadays. Parents are so focus on career that giving in to their children's want so as to shut them up will give them peace and quiet they want after a hard day's work. But these "giving in" is doing more harm than help. Its an immediate solution to keep the kids preoccupied. But the lack of waiting, perseverance and delayed gratification will lead the next generation to be impulsive, spoiled and weak. What will happen to the next generation?

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