Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm going to apologize for this ranting again. Its just that I cannot contain this anymore. This is driving me crazy and paranoid. And I really need to let it out.
Its just that I feel like everything we are doing for the kids are taken forgranted by the kids themselves and the parents. We have given so much - from class preparation, to delivery, execution, afterschool support and even prayers, but it seems like everything we have done has been in vain. This is what Im talking about. When you love what you are doing so much that you put your heart and soul, you get too emotional and attached when people say things about the work that you do. But I also know that Oakridge and what we do in Oakridge is not from us, from our own capacity, but comes from the Lord. I know that all these hardwork will just be in vain, because the content and source of everything at school is the Lord Himself. I know the Lord is doing His work to decrease the self in oakridge and more of Himself will shine. Oakridge is a consecrated school for the Lord's move. It is not out of our own capacity or skill that Oakridge teaches, and even leads the community today. Whenever a student complains, a parent criticize the school, it makes me realize more that it is not mine, nor is the Lord's.
I dont know about tomorrow. I just live from day to day. I dont borrow from its sunshine for its skies may turn to gray. I dont worry over the future for I know what Jesus said. Today, I'll walk beside Him for He knows what is ahead.

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