Thursday, October 24, 2013

I'm now in a principal's meeting. It is such a pity how school leaders are lost themselves. They themselves have not seen the purpose of education and the goal of God in educating the next generation. They give unnecessary comments which I think is inappropriate. If they themselves are very loose in their living, what will they give to their students? How do you expect our country to improve when school leaders who should be idealistic and passionate about change refuse to deviate from 1964 practices in education. They are so uneducated and full of themselves. They just look into their needs, their concerns and their interests. They don't even consider what we need to do to contribute to change. How do you expect them to lead their students when they themselves do not have a clue on where they are going? I don't mean to put them down. I am not even going there. I just had a sentiment that school leaders have the vision, the heart and passion to change the world - make the world a better place through education.
When The Lord called me in this commission to serve the next generation, I asked The Lord for grace and wisdom to lead. Leading for the future and educating the next generation is so sensitive, so important that we need to be careful on what we do, how we say things and how we live our lives. It is at the same time a blessing to be in this position because we are limited and controlled by the society's expectation of us and God's commission to be role models. Even towards ois teachers, we mirror and model 'ideal' behaviors to touch them, inspire them and change their hearts. Being a light in the world is a commission given to us by God. Being a faithful and prudent steward is by God's grace. I kept praying the The Lord will continue to use us as a channel of blessing to others. By focusing on what God desires and God's goal, we are being delivered from the materialism of this world, the contamination of self-love and the shallowness of this age.
I really ask The Lord to continue to bless Oakridge. To use the school for His move and for His heart pleasure. Again, not through our capacity, but by the grace of God.  It is indeed impossible to lead the school using our own skills and intelligences. Not through our human capacity but through faith and grace of God.

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