Thursday, October 24, 2013


We have always been 'memorizing' that resilience is one of the best Filipino trait. Seriously! I've memorized this from kindergarten to grade 6. But I'd it really? Do we really know what resilience means? Are Filipinos really resilient?
I can honestly say that we have no idea what that means. Human being, by nature do not have resilience without God. We tend to loose our self esteem, our drive. We are prone to depression. We can't handle emotions. We react before we think about it. We break own. How fragile human brings are!
But through God's life, we have something beyond humanity in us. We have now the strength to stand up after a terrible fall. We can pick ourselves us. But this only happens, when we have higher life within.
Our children will skyways how through that soul searching stage. We, ax parents break when we see our kids encounter problem. But we need all the more t be 'sane' to lead our family. When we break own even before they do, how in the wold will you teach survival and resilience?
We as parents need to pull ourselves together when we see our children encounter difficulties. We need to allow them to fail, to learn to pick themselves up. If we save them all the time, how can they learn resilience and survival?
Our responsibility as parents has always been training and teaching our children. We are the first role models, not teachers and not pop stars. We need to be careful because children copy what they see in us. You will be surprised one day when you see your little girl imitating exactly what you are doing. So, when she sees you're weak she'll be weak. When your son sees you lie, he's be a liar.

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